Monday, July 20, 2009

Where to begin...

We had an amazing time in Kampala! God did some amazing things. I will give details later because I am in an internet cafe and only have about 20 minutes to write. Needless to say, there is way too much to write about in that short amount of time! But we worked with the rally teams and actually got to go visit an orphanage called Kampala Children's Center with some girls we met from Vancouver, Canada and Manchester, England! The last day we were there, Pastor Ken called us and asked if we would go to Mbarara with part of the team to help with children at a women's conference. We were driving there and had to drive through a national park. We saw a herd of elephants (I took many picture for you Aunt Becky!!). We also saw warthogs, water buffalo, hippos, and antelope. I felt like I was in Lion King or something. The team we went with was absolutely amazing! There is no doubt that that team was put together by God. We became like family in a matter of days! They are from a church in Texas so...road trip to Texas sometime this year!!! We got there and ended up not working with children. We went with the evangelism team to schools and prisons. Yes, prisons. It was awesome. God used me to speak to men in prison! Like 500 of them. I could not have done it without Him enabling me! Then I fell in love with the people of Mbarara. We helped speak to single women at a women's conference. These women captured my heart.
After much prayer and talking, Tiffany and I are spending our last night at the orphanage tommorrow night. We were torn because Kelly Green Evangelistic Association's team is here and we want to work with them, but we still want to be with the kids at the orphanage. So tommorrow, Tiffany and I have arranged to take all the kids from the orphanage to a Circus they are having here! It is going to be an amazing last day with them! And last night Tiffany and I slept with all the girls in the classroom. It was so much fun!
I am in total disbelief that we only have about a week left here in Uganda. As excited as I am to see family and to share what God has done, I am going to miss this place. We have developed some of the most amazing friendships. We have seen the joy of the Lord and passionate hearts like never before. We have seen orphans singing that Jesus is all they need when they are living with close to nothing. We have seen people who have nothing give all they have to the Lord. We have seen true worship. We have seen demons cast out. We have had God reveal so much to us personally. We have met people who's lives are harder than we could ever imagine, yet Jesus is their everything. I could go on and on, but above all, we have seen the Lord orchestrate every little detail and work in mighty mighty ways! I wish all of you could have been here to experience it with me! There is no way to express everything. I just know one thing... this summer has changed my life forever!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you Amanda. I will be praying for you as you come home, I know it will be hard for you. What an awesome way to spend your summer!
